éS - You, éS, Eh? (2008)

Bobby Worrest, Cale Nuske, Javier Sarmiento, Justin Eldridge, Mike Anderson


éS - You, éS, Eh? music soundtrack songs list
intro - Sayvinyl - Pull Up
Arizona to Colorado - Kelley Stoltz - Your Reverie
fire starters - Grand Archives - Breezy No Breezy
Oklahoma to Florida - Sayvinyl - Shoot 'Em On Up
Atlanta to Alexandria - The Dutchess and the Duke - Reservoir Park
New Jersey to Brooklyn - RL Burnside - Just Like A Woman
Rochester - Sayvinyl - Pull Up
Cincinnati to Louisville - Sayvinyl - The New Pope (instrumental)
Chicago - Antimc - Single Life
Des Moines - Cruiser - Chindonya
Lincoln to Winnipeg - RL Burnside - It's Bad You Know
nature stop - Antimc - Single Life
Vancouver to credits - The Helio Sequence - Everyone Knows Everyone

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